The boy in the bubble alec benjamin genesis lyrics
The boy in the bubble alec benjamin genesis lyrics

Physical violence and the resiliency of children AKA Boy In The Bubble. Single minded devotion paralleled in simple lyrics and poetic structure, Swim, our Story Five, is definitely the most direct song here, but it allows a pleasant way across to the deeper waters of what’s incoming.

#The boy in the bubble alec benjamin genesis lyrics trial

Instead of facing his trial in the desert, Benjamin faces his at sea. This is watching the demise of a love from the inside, knowing you can’t stop it, only try to slow it down.Ĥ0 days is such a powerful, Biblical number reminding us of warding off temptations. The creeping death of a pairing mutually chosen instead of abandoned in its infancy like the parasitic interests of Story Three. The one without the childlike innocence of youthful confessions as in Story Two.

the boy in the bubble alec benjamin genesis lyrics

The relationship that doesn’t have the blood ties or the strength of a forever marriage like in Story One. This is where the breakdown begins – this is the end. One of the most sympathetic songs of the collection. It’s an important lesson that should be self-evident but often isn’t: love cannot be bought, and anyone willing to barter and trade for it, isn’t offering the genuine article. And realizing that you’re being used and undervalued by said crush? Ugh. It may not be the young love of earlier, but unreciprocated crushes can be heartbreaking, too. The brief time frame between obligations – a rushed time to blurt words spoken before the speaker knew what they meant. It conjures high school encapsulated in the small stolen moments between classes. Using the figure of the fountain is perfect, beyond the obvious Freudian use of water imagery as a metaphor for sexuality. One who is offering excuses for behavior they had to be told was wrong. One who is trying to voice answers they have yet to learn. The soft repetitions play like the confused murmurs of a confused kid. The Water Fountain is a song about growing up too fast written by someone who should still be growing up. Hope and a commitment to being present, to being dependable even in face of all the hardships forthcoming. Teenage pregnancy with the anticipation of motherhood, the inevitability of death ending currently flourishing relationships, surviving high school’s ups and downs and being made who you are by them.

the boy in the bubble alec benjamin genesis lyrics the boy in the bubble alec benjamin genesis lyrics

Like the worst of the written tragedies, this story weaves the dark and the light. Song titles in bold, song lyrics in italics. Only another writer, who with a bit more talent, would have been. This isn’t an album review so much as it is a reflection on each story told, song by song. Each song is a story of his life, narrated for you, that could very well be about you. This might be Alec Benjamin’s greatest talent: his ability to convey such relate-ability effortlessly. Here lies mellow beats and poignant lyrics inspiring nostalgia even with their first listen. Every time it becomes instinctual to cast away popular new music as merely super-catchy, fleeting entertainment, an artist emerges that reveals my knee jerk assumption as baseless and premature. Do you know how disorienting it is to stumble upon meaningful pop? In an era of repetitive mass appeal, it’s like sudden vertigo.

The boy in the bubble alec benjamin genesis lyrics